Included on this blog, I’ll be researching a bunch of different questions about or related to massage. Maybe you have or had one of these questions.
Some of these questions will depend on what country or province/state you live in, who your therapist is, the clinic or location where they work, any specific health conditions or what symptoms your experiencing.
It’s always recommended to check with your doctor if you’re dealing with any health issues and make sure you’re ok to get a massage.
Also remember… (You) The Client’s Comfort should always be a priority !!! Including trusting each other, undressing to comfort level in privacy, appropriate pressure is used and is not too painful, adding pillows or bolsters (towels) to position your body for the most comfortable position, knowing what to expect from your massage therapist, knowing you can stop or change the treatment at any time during the treatment, etc.
Also if you have any questions about massage that you would like answered, comment below.