Mike Gillis RMT
Moncton Massage Therapy

21 Liberty Cres

Moncton, NB E1A 6H5

(506) 227-5631


Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sat - Sun: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

What Should You Wear For A Massage?

What should you wear for a massage is a very common question and no matter what therapist or clinic you go to – the most important part about any massage is your comfort as the client. If you aren’t comfortable, you’ll have a much harder time trying to relax.

Your therapist should always tell you to – undress to your comfort level. They may suggest taking off certain clothing to get the best benefit out of the massage but in the end it’s all up to you.. what you’re comfortable with.

We as massage therapists will work around or modify your treatment if you decide to keep any clothing on in the areas we will be working on. For example: If I was massaging a female’s full back but she decided to leave her bra on, I wouldn’t be able to use regular techniques with oil/gel to create a full flow up and down the back. I would have to make modifications to prevent any oil/gel getting on her bra. This could include diving the back (below the bra & above the bra) How to wear hair for massage

If you decide to stay full clothed, this would mean no oil/gel would be used and different techniques would be used. Our techniques will be limited but we will still try to give you the best treatment based on your comfort level.

For maximum benefit, having the area you want uncovered is the best option if your comfortable with that as we will be able to use oil/gel, have access to the full length of the muscles and other related muscles, have a lot more options available (techniques)

Some people are very comfortable and take everything off. This means there’s nothing that will cause an interruption in flow. This is a great option for you. Keep in mind that regardless of whether you decide to wear underwear/panties, at all times your private areas will remain covered. The only areas that should be uncovered will be the areas the therapist is working on.

When you turn over on the table, the therapist will hold up the blankets allowing you to turn over without being exposed.

If at some point during the massage you get the urge to go to the bathroom, tell your therapist, they should have a robe or something allowing you to go to the bathroom without being seen.

Your therapist should always tell you to – undress to your comfort level. They may suggest taking off certain clothing to get the best benefit out of the massage but in the end it’s all up to you.. what you’re comfortable with.

We as massage therapists will work around or modify your treatment if you decide to keep any clothing on in the areas we will be working on. For example: If I was massaging a female’s full back but she decided to leave her bra on, I wouldn’t be able to use regular techniques with oil/gel to create a full flow up and down the back. I would have to make modifications to prevent any oil/gel getting on her bra. This could include diving the back (below the bra & above the bra) How to wear hair for massage

If you decide to stay full clothed, this would mean no oil/gel would be used and different techniques would be used. Our techniques will be limited but we will still try to give you the best treatment based on your comfort level.

For maximum benefit, having the area you want uncovered is the best option if your comfortable with that as we will be able to use oil/gel, have access to the full length of the muscles and other related muscles, have a lot more options available (techniques)

Some people are very comfortable and take everything off. This means there’s nothing that will cause an interruption in flow. This is a great option for you. Keep in mind that regardless of whether you decide to wear underwear/panties, at all times your private areas will remain covered. The only areas that should be uncovered will be the areas the therapist is working on.

When you turn over on the table, the therapist will hold up the blankets allowing you to turn over without being exposed.

If at some point during the massage you get the urge to go to the bathroom, tell your therapist, they should have a robe or something allowing you to go to the bathroom without being seen.
