Mike Gillis RMT
Moncton Massage Therapy

21 Liberty Cres

Moncton, NB E1A 6H5

(506) 227-5631


Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sat - Sun: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

The Connection Between Ticklish Spots And Tight Muscles

Did you know.. that some of the ticklish spots or sensitive areas on your body could be due to tight muscles?

  • Tickling is the act of touching a part of a body in a way that causes involuntary movement or laughter. Laughter from being tickled is a reflex action (Source: Wikipedia)


Tension in tight muscles and restrictions in the fascia (web of connective tissues throughout your body) can cause ticklishness, pain, tenderness or numbness when being touched or receiving a massage.


Ticklishness is a touch sensation that can be caused by:

  • Nervousness or discomfort
  • Anxiety
  • Unpredictable touch
  • Body warning system (protective reflexes)
    ex: if something is crawling on you
  • Tension in different areas
    (Highly ticklish areas: feet, ribs, armpits)



Connection Between Feeling Ticklish And Tight Muscles

I had a client come in about a year ago, he was extremely ticklish on his whole back, which caused him to squirm around a lot during the massage but by the end of the massage, his feeling of ticklishness had reduced by close to 75%.

During my massages I try to make my clients as comfortable as possible, making it much easier for them to relax and let go of their pain and tension.

I have had many clients tell me the spots that they found ticklish, especially their feet. And by simply changing the amount of pressure being used, it can make a big difference causing that area to no longer feel that sensitive ticklish feeling when massaging over it. Massage can help decrease the amount of ticklishness or sensitivity you feel in that area by decreasing the tension in you muscles and fascia.

Think you may be too ticklish to get a massage?

Maybe it’s time for you to relax and release your tension… First Time Massage?

Book A Massage To Reduce Your Tension
