There are lots of benefits of getting a massage, some on the most common are decreasing stress, pain and tension.
Allowing your muscles and tissues to relax and you to become very calm and relaxed. Many people become so relaxed that they fall asleep – this is a compliment to your massage therapist. It also allows your body to breathe normally.. preventing you from holding your breath, as some clients do especially when crossing over a painful area.
Some other benefits of getting a massage include:
- Reduce Anxiety & Depression
- Relieve Low Back Pain
- Help Fibromyalgia Pain
- Reduce Muscle Tension
- Improve Muscle Recovery
- Enhance Exercise Performance
- Improve Cardiovascular Health
- Sleep Better
- Improved Circulation
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Reduce Osteoarthritis Pain
- Relieve Chronic Neck Pain
- Help Recover From Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Relieve Symptoms of Whiplash
- Relieve Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Decrease Sciatic Pain
- Decrease or Eliminate Headaches & Migraines
- Better Posture
- Increase Range of Motion & Flexibility
- And more…