Health Information & Assessment During A Massage
When you arrive to your massage appointment, you will be asked to fill out information about your health history and the reason for your visit. (Some place do this online – myself included as it allows more treatment time versus filling out paperwork)
Once you enter the massage room with the therapist, they may do some testing with you to find any limited range of motion, imbalances and areas of compensation, etc. Then they will explain to you the treatment plan, making sure you understand and don’t have any other questions before proceeding.
During A Massage Treatment – On The Table

Once you’re on the table and the massage has begun, the massage therapist will use different techniques (some with oil, some can be done without oil or lotions). Techniques should start with lighter pressure to warm up your tissues before using deeper techniques. Always staying within your pain tolerance. Remember to breathe, oxygen into your muscles will help them relax.
What you do during a massage is up to you.. some people are chatty and like to talk, others like to be quiet and just relax, just let your therapist know. Sometimes people drift off to sleep. This is your time so you choose how you want to spend it.
Keep in mind that all therapists are different, they have their own styles and preferred techniques. If the pressure is too light or too much, let them know so they can adjust to your comfort level and make sure you get the best treatment.