Mike Gillis RMT
Moncton Massage Therapy

21 Liberty Cres

Moncton, NB E1A 6H5

(506) 227-5631


Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sat - Sun: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

What Happens When A Trigger Point Is Released?

Myofascial Trigger Points also known as Knots are sensitive spots in a tight muscle or group of muscles. Trigger points are tender to touch and can refer pain to different parts of the body.

They may feel like peas or marbles shapes, the size depends on how many muscle fibers are involved.

What Is A Trigger Point

Trigger Points can develop due to injuries, strains, bad posture and trauma. When this happens in a spot in the muscle it causes the muscle to contract, becoming twisted and knotted. This restricts fresh blood and nutrients from getting to the muscle cells and prevents full range of motion for that muscle.

Without treatment, this will most likely get worse and become more restricted. Think of it like “a spring, in the middle of the spring there is some sort of trauma, and now that part of the spring can no longer extend, over time the connecting piece of the spring gets stuck, and continues to the next piece and so on… making the spring not very springy.”

There are different types of treatments to help release trigger points. You can visit a Massage Therapist or other health care professional who is trained in trigger point therapy. Or release using a massage trigger point ball.

Depending on the trigger point, it could take more than one session to release it. When the trigger point is released, your muscles will relax allowing fresh blood flow, sending nutrients into the cells and bring it back to healthy state. You should notice more range of motion in that muscle without pain.

FYI – the area may be a little sore over the next few days, this is completely normal. (DOMS – Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

More information about Myofascial Trigger Points
