Mike Gillis RMT
Moncton Massage Therapy

21 Liberty Cres

Moncton, NB E1A 6H5

(506) 227-5631


Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sat - Sun: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

5 Drugless Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache

Want to learn how to get rid of a headache naturally without any medications.

How To Get Rid Of A Headache

Many people experience headaches, some more frequently than others. Ranging from uncomfortable to downright unbearable. There are several types of headaches including tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraine headaches, etc.

One of the most common types of headaches is a tension headache. The pain can start in the back of the neck, forehead or side of head (temporal region) or feel like a band around your head. Some causes are due to injuries, poor posture, increased tension and stress, trigger points (aka knots) in the upper back, neck and shoulders areas.

Although many medications are targeted at relieving headache symptoms, there are a number of effective and natural treatments that can help you get rid of a headache.

5 Drugless Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache

Coffee – can cause a headache but it can also help relieve a headache. If you regularly consume coffee or other caffeinated beverages, if you stop – you may trigger a headache due to the withdrawal of caffeine. If this is the case you can have a coffee and it will usually decrease your headache very quickly.

Drinking too much coffee can cause a headache, since it’s a diuretic which will cause your body to expel more water from your body which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration is a common cause of headaches.

Does Caffeine Treat or Trigger Headaches

How Your Body Uses Water

Water & Staying Hydrated – drinking water helps prevent you from becoming dehydrated. Keep in mind your body is 60% water, it helps keep your muscles, joints and just about every aspect of your body lubricated and allowing your body to move around without tension. It’s used in regulating your body temperature, digestion and flushing out waste mainly through urine.

The Water in You – Water and the Human Body

Hot Bath / Cold Head – the heat from a hot bath will help decrease the tension in your body, mostly in your upper back and shoulders. Using a cold compress on your head can help decrease inflammation and provide some pain relief or help it completely disappear.

(My personal experience – as I am too tall for my bath tub, I’m unable to use this method, but one night I found out that by going for a drive in my car with the heated seats on and heat on my mid to lower body while having the window open enough allowing a cold breeze to hit my head.. after about 20-30 minutes my headache was gone.)

Peppermint Essential Oil – by applying the oil to the temples it can help reduce the symptoms of tension headaches. It contains menthol which helps relax the muscles and ease the pain.

Peppermint Oil for Migraines

Headache Trigger Point Patterns
Trigger Point Referral Patterns

Massage – a lot of headaches are due to tension in the upper back, neck and shoulder muscles. A massage can break up the trigger points (knots), reduce the tension, and help you feel much more relaxed.

Based on my experience, I’m usually able to reduce or eliminate a headache within a 30-60 minute session. Getting regular massages and stretching these muscles can greatly reduce how often you can  get headaches.

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Natural Remedies To Help Get Rid Of A Headache

Suffering from severe headache? Try these natural remedies!

Herbs and spices to soothe headaches

Apple Cider Vinegar for Headaches

Additional Resources

Sip Your Way to Migraine Relief with These 12 Drinks

Food Triggers for Migraines

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