Mike Gillis RMT
Moncton Massage Therapy

21 Liberty Cres

Moncton, NB E1A 6H5

(506) 227-5631


Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sat - Sun: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

How Can Trigger Point Therapy Help You Release Your Pain?

Trigger Point Therapy is commonly done by a Registered Massage Therapist using massage techniques to press on and break up the trigger points (aka knots). 

Trigger Point Therapy - Areas of Trigger Points in the Body

Myofascial Trigger Points (Knots) are small bump-like areas in your muscles that are sensitive to pressure and can refer pain to other areas of the body known as Referral Pain. There are common areas all over the body. They can be activated due to trauma, overuse, stress or poor posture.

When activated, it causes muscle fibers to stick together and choke off the circulation – so blood, nutrients and oxygen can no longer enter that area of the muscle creating metabolic waste to be trapped and unable to get flushed out. The brain will send out pain signals telling you that something is wrong, and tell the body to decrease use (range of motion) to that part of the body to prevent more pain. 

Without treatment, more muscle fibers can get stuck to that area creating a bigger knot causing even more pain and restriction in movements.

When performing Trigger Point Therapy there is usually more pressure used compared to a relaxing massage. At which point, you (the client) will experience more tenderness in that area causing between a 7-8 / 10 based on your pain scale. Pressure can be held on this area for 30 – 120 seconds. It’s important not to put too much stress on the body. Make sure to take nice deep breaths during this treatment allowing lots of oxygen into your muscles and helping them release faster. Depending on the size of the knot, it may take a few sessions, although most people see some relief after the first Trigger Point Therapy Massage. Close to 90% of my treatments include some trigger point work.

==> Book A Massage and Let Me Help You Get Rid of Your Knots

Additional Resources 

Relieve Muscle Pain At Home With A Massage Trigger Point Ball

What Happens When A Trigger Point Is Released?

Here’s a short animated video that helps explain what a Trigger Point is and how Trigger Point Therapy can help relieve your sore muscles
Trigger Point Explained with Animation

See More Posts for Massage Therapy Awareness Week 2021
